Love at the time of Dengue

Somewhere in Delhi... Sometime in late 2008...
Does it matter? If you are drunk?
How does it?
You may be drunk, but still
Kicking that same tune
"Baby I may be drunk but–
I still love you."
Lover never dies.
It cannot be frozed;
It is forever chilled
Just like your beer
Your favourite beer
You keep on sipping
One after the other
Never wondering why?
The seconds exchange glances,
With minutes and the hours stand by.
You are dead drunk.
Guys asking you–
"You are the drunken poet? Are you?"
No, mister,
I am just drunk."
"You sure? Ask they?"
"Yeah, just a poem sir,
Nothing else."
A damsel with coffin nails in a plate
My girl might
My family might hate
But my neighbour pulls one.
The nail looks cool in his lips.
Never feared for the salvation.
Nirvana never known.
"Am I high?"
Who cares?
I never do.
The nail sticks to my lips, too.
My neighbour has that smile–
You look drunk?
Do I? ... God Almighty!
I want to be in this place
And be away from it at the same moment.
The smoke still kills.
Who cares?
Not my neighbour—never.
The smoke follows.
The vodka shoots all left and right.
The music vibrates my tee.
"Am I drunk?"
I ask thee.
I don't look like one.
It's a hell of an experience
Under the table.
I still manage to scribble.
Nobody cares. Nor do I.
I just scribble a drunken monk's tale.
Totally conked out, I look for my neighbour.
To him I show my wristwatch
The speakers bang my heart
They pound my head.
Everyone looks so happy.
So do I.
The Father of all sins.
The Devil smiles in the corner.
Making everyone drunk.
This is not what I wanted.
"But you don't get what you want, do you?"
"And you don't want what you get, do you?"
Control, control... go for a pee
Oh! no! will I be
Able to pee?
I wonder, how long will it take.
My neighbour smiles again.
Do I love him?
You bet I do.
Forget the commandments
It's the whole religion flowing in a glass.
The ice is cold, so is the way of life.
The projector, crowded by people–wondering
I don't know, let's see–what's in store?
But baby, I still love you...
love you...
love you...
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