Looking for that question.
I don't have it.
But I have the answer.
An answer that is not important.
So why go after it?
Just stick to the question.
25 have gone.
What have remained?
The limits are full.The water is cool.
There is no escape.For we are on the steps.
That won't push us up.But will only be there.
To stand and think.
25 have gone.
Talking of 25.
I remember.
That two plus five is seven.
And the required number of men.
For five plus Sunday and Saturday.
And the first and the last day.
In and out.Entry and Exit.Start and End.
Just Seven.Two plus five.Twenty five.
Guess what wen't wrong?
From the first stone.To the last painting.
Of the fresh flowers.Yellow, red and blue.
Green with leaves.
All fake.Painting new.
But only a few.As you know.
It started with.
Without an understood way.
To finish.
Since you had.
Bought the painting.
It is good you.
Keep it.
In a proper place.
The paint is yet to dry.
The fragrance is still.There.
The fragrance.Of fresh paint.
With the fragrance.Of fresh cloth.
25 have gone.
The freshness.Still remains.
The fragrance.Still flows.
In your hands.
Turning everything fresh.
That you touch.
Twenty plus five.
Hands.Five fingers.
Petals.Twenty leaves.
One painting.
Drag it.
You have been doing it.
Till you think.Of something new.
A new idea.Fresh.Full of fragrance.
To the limits.What is it?
Limits.How does one feel?
Dragging it to that point.
Where the dragging.Becomes.Pointless.
Hey.Will you stop that music.
It is painful.
The music?
No the sound of the music.
What do you want?To listen?
Soothing.That does not allow.
My squandered thoughts.Homecoming.Stop it. Please.
Can you draw?Something.Beautiful.
Hmmm.Yes.I can.Draw.
What your are?Trying to say.
Dirty you.And your minds.
There is a stain.Dark and deep.
Anyone who wishes.To see it.Would.Easily.
The fire won't.Nor the water.
Would do.You.Only you.Can do.
Something.About it.
What is your problem?
Why don't you leave?
Who wants your crap?
Anyway.I wonder.
I know how.You will.Remove.
The stain.
I know how.You will do it.
Let's forget it.
For a moment.
Bury our swords.And contemplate.
About something.Which might.Help us in.Removing.
The stain.
There is little.Use of.What you do.
But they will.Shout and cry.
Will make shake your legs.
Try their best.On.How you do.
They have been.Doing this.
For a long.Time.
Yet.They know not.
How to Remove.
Let it not enter.
For.It won't help.
Be careful.In not being.Helped by it.
There is a.Work.
Which does.Not pay.
Making it.Vulnerable.
For it is.Meant to be thus.
Be careful.And carry on.
Maintaining it.Is difficult.
Yes.It is.
For not.Only maintenance.
It also.Demands.Care.
Thought after thought.
Change after change.
It indeed.Runs a lot.
So needs.Maintenance.And Care.
It is not always.Like this.
You definitely.Should know.
Where.The stain is.
Careful.It might.Stain.
Your fingers.
There it comes.Again.
Again.Like it did.
For the last.25.
For the last25.Let it.Be what it is.
Do not disturb.The flow.
It has come.A long way.
Another.To go.
Let it.Enjoy.It's work.
For. Father.Forgive it.
Knoweth not.
That it has.
To pay.
When.It has.
Make him.Pay.Slowly.
For.25Is a long.Stretch.
Careful.Not to.Let it.Speed by.
I remember.
Don't.Believe it.
It.Happened.Not even.A second.
It is there.
It has to.
No to.Drugs.Colombia.Maradona.
Rubber.Tyres.Rolling.Stones.It is there.Waiting.
Remember.Vietnam.Booby traps.Napalm.
Hmmm.It's there.
Its pound.Of flesh.
Walking.To it.