Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter greens

They don't seem to agree, they never did
I don't seem to be content, I never was
What is this fucking nonsense that's banging her brains out?
Too many questions, time to see a shrink
I don't know, did I ever?
It's Sunday honey
I need a lot of sleep
Have been worrying for the whole fucking week
It has been years I slept well
The patient is long gone, the doctor still bills him
Late nights never helped anyone
I need a coffee with some extra milk and some extra sugar
It's sleepy in here and warm too
Winter is not polite and I never had anything warm inside
Am I missing you?

Coffee vs Tea

Don't let that come out
It's better shut down there
Never helped, never will
I am better this way
Who gives a shit who loses?
I never did, I never will.
Kids on the grass, playing and singing
It's early Spring and the birds too sing
Like a new life for a new leaf
Soon to be dark green, dark yellow
And then pale
The ground eagerly waiting
The gravitational pull
The hug awaits
There is a distance between the fucking cup and the lips
Who gives a shit what's in it?
Coffee is always better than tea
That's why those cookies have pasted, sliced, roasted brown nuts
And a lot of sugar
Did you just say you love me?