Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Devil's Own Gentlemen

We still don't believe it.
It's hard to believe isn't it?
2003 hadn't erased itself.
Yet, we still took the jinxed ones?
We don't have the spirit.
Ask the Tiger-
His spirit is to be understood.
Ask the minnows (they say)-
Their spirit is to be believed.
We all saw that, didn't we?
They made us believe our tigers are jinxed, didn't they?
The ghost of 2003 haunts the whole country.
The spirit of 2007 will cling forever.
This is a gentleman's game.
You pay heavily for being one.
You are paid heavily for not being the one you are supposed to be.
There are more stitches in our hearts.
Then those in poor Woolmer's body.
May he be in peace- wherever he is.
His spirit still remains with the minnows.
Nice way to end an innings.
Nice game these gentlemen play.
Yorker if a batsman is troubling you.
Sixer if a baller is.
Strangulation if a coach is.
We need some good wood for the coffin.
Indian bats are the best.
Less used- more strong.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This still happens with me

This has started.

So many things are starting.

I agree it's March.

I agree it's almost full spring season.

But what has it got to do with me?

Am I still working for them in the good books?

Who decides?

It is painful to keep running like this all the time.

The sense has to be understood before it becomes non-sense.

I don't deny their contribution.

Nor do I question their authority on the subject.

But where do I fit in all this?

Any change of plans are made known at the last moment.

And I am told to keep my eyes and ears closed.

Who decides what is to be seen and understood?

Why is 'why' important than anything else?