Thursday, January 19, 2006


Limits are limited.
The fact.
The fire of the brain.
Letting the thoughts.
Climb the steep staircase of success.
With an interpretation.
Supporting the hard work and sweat.
Involved in reaching that fakeness.
With the orgasmic desire.
And the pleasure.
Attained thereafter.
Called success.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The identity.
Kept secret.
Will be known.
The naked body.
Offered to the flames.
If destined.
People running to know each other.
Yet unknown of the fact.
That the vessel is full.
Empty it.
Or it gets contaminated.
Due to the mixture.
The poison has to be pure.
To transform and give birth.
To a new one.
Destiny gives an opportunity.
And we use it to make a life.
Live it and leave it.
Questions remain unanswered.
Dreams unfulfilled.
A lot is left behind.
To come back and make a new beginning.
This is not the end.
Nor is it the beginning.
Just a period.
The truth unfolding all the time.
Yet remaining truthful.
The periods changing.
Elements same.
We try but the approach is not.
What the period demands.
The truth has to remain.
The self has to be offered.
To retain it.
Every time.


Have been running.


Or have been steady.


It is so easy to be a runner.

Just run.

The world is a small place.

And one keeps on meeting.


Completely transformed.

Called present.


Of what?

And steady one.

Meets the runners.

This small place.


Haven't travelled much.

But everything is same everywhere.

Money, honey and everyone loony.

Running, calling, mailing, writing.

Drinking, fornicating, dreaming.

Terming it with a fine word.


The one who dreams

Dreaming of the future.
Or of the past.
Reasons of the present.
The picture is not clear.
Hazy unconnected slides.
Colourless sometimes.
Sometimes with a fragrance.
Puffed eyes.
Declining interest.
In everything.
A state of rest.
Thoughts running amok.
At the first knowledge.
Connected to give assurance.
Of existence.
Yet so vague.
Curious mind trying hard.
To confuse the facts.
Related but not true.
A total confusion.
So clear to understand.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Lost are they.
Lost are their fortunes.
Unwanted souls.
Full of wants.
Need based relations.
Changing ideas every second.
The desire to change the world.
The unchanged world for centuries.
The first discovery.
Leading to the saga of unwanted delusions.
One after the other.
The revealing nature.
Transformed to compromises.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Some years went by.
It was not that easy.
But the persistence.
That followed.
The years to break.
Out from the concrete.
That had blocked the process.
Was mind-blowing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Shall we grow?

Shall we grow?
Is a priceless question.
I ask myself.
And I ask thee.
What for?
Crap isn't it?
I go in a state of assumed consciousness.
Which turns everything redundant.
The long lost hope.
That is flickering.
To fulfill the lost dreams.
And imaginations.
Shall we come out of it?
Is it that necessary to grow?
Answers are just our green logic.
Yet to grow.
Yet to face all the seasons.
And the changes that it brings.
The journey that we travel.
The pain we take.
In maintaining everything.
Isn't it?
Shall we grow?

Monday, January 09, 2006

Valley of Diamonds

Do you see it?


As always



It's winter and Fire

Is here

Hard Work Pays

It does



Journey towards the new year

Friday, January 06, 2006

Journey towards the new year