Chequered Horse
Let me tell you all a story:
A boy came running the next day
From over 1800 AD
Summoned by the Chosen One
Where the Wisest Fool once roamed in his chequered horse
The horse was the talk of the town and slowly the whole country knew about it
Only a few admitted it was dark
Only the underdogs knew that it was white
No one never knew its colour
Such a horse never seen, never dreamt
I mean, have any of you dreamt of a chequered horse?
Nor have I.
But it was there and the Wisest Fool had this horse.
Don't forget my friend from the second line
So he came all the way for he was called
Maybe to be coronated as the 'Small Chosen One'
When we reached the citadel in our small chariot
We were surprised to see other large chariots
Drawn by horses we could not possibly count
Strong chariots with gold and silver work
Their owners in silk that could surprise the Moon
Their confidence would break yours into pieces
For they too were summoned by the same One
Anything might happen
As there was no caste in between
For in the eyes of the One
Everyone of them is equal
Isn't it?
We waited for our turn
Smoked a few hookas
And shooed the barking dogs
Who were feeling uneasy
At our presence
And barking
I thought they were trying to say something
Well no one would believe but I always believed
And it got confirmed when I saw that animal movie
Where a fat Panda and a Giraffe talked uncontrollably
That animal, not only talked, but some Penguins in their element
Can fly a plane which B or A won't even touch for repair
One by one they entered the citadel
My friend too went in
I waited, and to kill my time, tried to decipher the barking
The dogs were clear this time
"Bow bow bow bow bow"
I walked to them and made a bow
Wondering whether they were referring to the Gandiv
"Why have you come?" asked the leader of the pack
Was I shocked? You might be wondering
No, I already believed they could pull it
"I come with my friend from over 1800 AD"
He has been called by the Chosen One" with pride in my voice
"Oh! you have come as an ally?" enquired with squinted eyes
"I am my friend's ally and no one" again I replied with pride
"A million hair must have faded and fallen from my body
And from this experience I tell you stranger
The Chosen One chooses none
For there aren't any, who are ready yet
There still remains a heart impure
For all the purity can't make him buy
What your friend has to offer
For the One is not there to buy
But just to try and know
Who can ride the chequered horse" ended he
"The chequered horse?"
"Ah! another fool" were his last words
The barking suddenly started
This time I was not able to understand
A sentry came out and asked me to stay away from the lane
For I irritated the faithful ones
My friend came out with a stony face
"What happened?"
"Do you know about a chequered horse?" lamented he
The barking had stopped
The leader was smiling.