Waiting for the something
Ya rahe ujad, ya rahe Gujjad
But it draws millions to its nest
Who have learnt to look and behave like them
Jombies, who believed they had the best deal
Kaal ka parichay, ab kya visiting card vhi dein?
Feeds everyone, on the streets,outside the temples
Kills everyone, on the roads, at midnight
Wheels of fortune, creates a misfortune, now and then, very often.
Winter is approaching and blankets are being washed,
It's time to get ready
I still don't believe that it won't rain again,
Assurances don't stop the game, they slow down everything
It still makes you believe every moment
There is something waiting for you, only for you
At the end of the day, at the end of the decade
Centuries have passed, the waiting continues
Anybody seen the Pandavas?
They are chilling in the lounge of the T3, waiting.
Moving out, till the games are over.