Adrenal Rush
Water water everywhere.
Enough to drink and lots to pee.
Miles to pee before I zip.
Old and new unguarded.
Walls to pee.
Trees to pee.
Fresh green plants to pee.
Dark corners to pee.
Gallons to pee before I zip.
You donkey's son don't pee here.
Says the writing on the wall
My pee rushes fast to the wall.
First the head then the body.
And a twenty-legged monster.
I pee.
The writing is covered.
An ear to ear smile follows.
The name is pee. DrinknPee
I pee to a height, I pee with a force.
Sometimes I pee on my shoes.
Sometimes on others'.
I talk while I pee.
I pee while I talk.
Someone said I have a loose bladder.
I peed on his shoes too.
Casually though.
He never knew.
I love peeing he doesn't know.
It is a relief.
I release everything in my pee.
Pain, sorrow, hunger, frustrations.
And also all my erotic fantasies.
Rush out.
Oh! Time to pee.
Enough to drink and lots to pee.
Miles to pee before I zip.
Old and new unguarded.
Walls to pee.
Trees to pee.
Fresh green plants to pee.
Dark corners to pee.
Gallons to pee before I zip.
You donkey's son don't pee here.
Says the writing on the wall
My pee rushes fast to the wall.
First the head then the body.
And a twenty-legged monster.
I pee.
The writing is covered.
An ear to ear smile follows.
The name is pee. DrinknPee
I pee to a height, I pee with a force.
Sometimes I pee on my shoes.
Sometimes on others'.
I talk while I pee.
I pee while I talk.
Someone said I have a loose bladder.
I peed on his shoes too.
Casually though.
He never knew.
I love peeing he doesn't know.
It is a relief.
I release everything in my pee.
Pain, sorrow, hunger, frustrations.
And also all my erotic fantasies.
Rush out.
Oh! Time to pee.